Goblin Slayer

In these trying times, we must look to manga for wisdom to guide us. "What should I do? Who can I trust? What am I to do with all these motherfucking goblins in my yard?"
Look no further, lost soul, for the guiding mantra you seek is here, on this embroidered piece of art. It boldly claims to know what's best, and just listen to these rave reviews:
"It's, uh, it's a patch. Yeah. Looks neat." - My Father
"The red looks nice and the art is pretty good for a patch." - Mrs. Merlin
"YEAH, FUCK THOSE GOD DAMNED GOBLINS ALWAYS FUCKING UP MY LAWN! I'm constantly having to send my town's adventurers to clean out my gutters since those little shits always get in there and make nests! What do you mean those aren't goblins?! The fuck is a bird?" - Crazy Farmer Jenkins
Many thanks to Lardagus for bringing this bit of shining wisdom to life in patch form, as without him even I wouldn't know what kind of goblins are best.